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Jessica Dodge



Jessica Dodge is a native Nevadan and Pacific Northwest based performer and teacher. She hasperformed across the US, as well as Canada and Russia. Most recently, she won the 10th annualReno Pops Orchestra Concerto Competition and will perform the Dubois Saxophone Concertowith the ensemble during their 2019 season. Notably, Jessica also performed at the John F.Kennedy Centrer for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. as a winner of the VSA Competition in2017. Jessica spent three months studying at the Gnesin Academy of Music in Moscow, Russiaand took lessons with several well known Russian saxophonists including Nikita Zimin, SergeyKoltsov, and their teacher, Margarita Shoposhikova. During her undergraduate career at theUniversity of North Texas, Jessica performed and recorded six CDs with the North Texas WindSymphony, as well as performing with the ensemble at the Midwest Clinic in Chicago. Currently,Jessica holds the soprano chair of the Nevada Saxophone Quartet, is the saxophonist of theNorthwest Reeds, and performs with the Oregon Wind Ensemble. Jessica is the current teachingfellow for the University of Oregon saxophone studio as she pursues a M.M. under the mentorshipof Dr. Idit Shner.

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